What Is the Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission?

4 min

During the Pennsylvania real estate exam, you'll frequently encounter the term "Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission." But what exactly is it, and why is it important to know?

What is the Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission?

The Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing the real estate industry in Pennsylvania. Its primary role is to protect public interests by ensuring all real estate professionals conduct their activities with honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, and competence. .

The Commission is tasked with granting and renewing licenses to individuals and entities in the real estate profession. It also administers and enforces state laws related to real estate activities, including those involving cemeteries, cemetery companies, promotional properties, and campground memberships.

One of the Commission's key responsibilities is to establish requirements for continuing education for real estate brokers and salespersons as a condition of license renewal. Additionally, any school offering real estate instruction must obtain approval from the Commission and adhere to its rules and regulations​ (Pennsylvania Association of Realtors®)​.

How is the Commission Organized?

Industry Members

Industry members of the commission are professionals who are actively involved in the real estate sector. They bring their expertise and practical experience to the commission, ensuring that regulatory decisions are informed by a deep understanding of the industry. 

These members typically include licensed real estate brokers and salespersons who have demonstrated a commitment to upholding professional standards.

Public Members

Public members of the commission represent the interests of consumers and the general public. They are not actively engaged in the real estate industry but are appointed to ensure that the commission's decisions consider the welfare and protection of the public. 

Public members play a critical role in providing a balanced perspective and helping to maintain the commission's accountability to the community it serves.

Selection of Members

The members of the Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission are appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. The selection process is designed to ensure that the commission is composed of individuals with the necessary expertise, experience, and perspective to effectively regulate the real estate industry and protect the public interest. 

The Governor's appointments are subject to confirmation by the Pennsylvania Senate. This process helps to ensure that the commission members are qualified and capable of fulfilling their responsibilities.

The Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission Role in the Licensing Process

If you are pursuing a real estate license in Pennsylvania, understanding the Commission's role is crucial. Here's how the Commission is involved in the licensing process:


The Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission is responsible for granting and renewing licenses for various roles within the real estate industry. These roles include real estate brokers, salespersons, and rental listing referral agents. 

The Commission ensures that individuals and entities seeking licensure meet the required standards for professionalism and ethical conduct. This process involves a thorough evaluation of each applicant's qualifications and background to safeguard the interests of the public in real estate transactions.

Education and Examination

To qualify for a real estate license, applicants must fulfill specific educational requirements set by the Commission. This typically involves completing a pre-licensure course from an approved education provider. 

Following the completion of the educational requirements, applicants must pass a comprehensive examination that tests their knowledge of real estate principles, laws, and practices. The Commission oversees this process to ensure that candidates possess the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively in the industry.

Continuing Education

Once licensed, real estate professionals are required to engage in continuing education to maintain their licenses. The Commission establishes the criteria for these courses, which are designed to keep real estate professionals informed about the latest developments in the industry, including changes in laws, regulations, and best practices. 

This requirement ensures that real estate practitioners remain competent and are able to provide high-quality services to their clients.

Regulatory Oversight

The Commission plays a crucial role in enforcing laws and regulations related to real estate activities in Pennsylvania. It has the authority to investigate complaints and allegations of misconduct against licensed real estate professionals. 

When violations of state laws or regulations are found, the Commission has the power to take disciplinary action, which can include fines, suspension, or revocation of licenses. This regulatory oversight function is essential for maintaining the integrity of the real estate industry and protecting the public from unethical or illegal practices.

Final Thoughts

The Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission plays a vital role in regulating the real estate industry in the state. Whether you're aspiring to become a licensed real estate professional or are already working in the industry, understanding the Commission's functions and requirements is essential for success.

TL;DR: The Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission is the regulatory body overseeing the real estate industry in Pennsylvania. It grants and renews licenses, sets continuing education requirements, and enforces state laws. Comprised of industry and public members, it protects public interests through regulatory oversight, ensuring real estate professionals operate with integrity and competence.

Real Estate Career
4 min